Posts Tagged ‘cardiac catheterization lab’

Salah satu indikator kinerja seseorang dikatakan BAIK  adalah memiliki  “Budaya Kerja” yang mencerminkan perilaku “Pekerja” dalam melakukan pekerjaannya. Kalau dikaitkan dengan profesi kita, Budaya Kerja adalah bagaimana perilaku kita terhadap pelanggan kita yaitu pasien.
Pada tulisan ini saya tidak akan menjelaskan mengenai apa itu Budaya Kerja, bagaimana cara melaksanakannya tetapi saya akan coba “berbagi” contoh budaya kerja di sebuah RS di Amerika yaitu Boston Medical Center beserta aplikasinya, semoga bermanfaat:

Budaya kerja yang pertama adalah Patient First, berikut adalah tulisan dari salah satu staf perawat di BMC mengenai Budaya kerja yang pertama ini:

Patient First!
Easter Sunday was a very busy day for the Cardiac Catheterization Lab and Cardiac Care Unit (CCU). We had three back-to-back cases, all very sick patients needing critical care services. There were no available beds and we had our second patient arriving from the Emergency Department before we even had the fi rst off the table. I want you to know how proud I am to work with such dedicated professional nurses. Everyone was extremely helpful. I want to compliment all the nurses working in CCU that day. They were all instrumental in making a very stressful situation tolerable. They all deserve a pat on the back. I also want to recognize the housekeeping supervisor who did an outstanding job of turning over the rooms quickly. He was professional and courteous and sensed the urgency of the situation. This truly was a team effort and exemplifi ed our commitment to our patients: Exceptional Care without Exception! The day didn’t end there. Three hours later we were back to the  Catheterization Lab with another emergency, this time with a cardiac arrest. I called one of the nurses from home to let her know we were coming back and needed another CCU bed. Again, everyone made it happen. The best part is that all of the patients are going home. It turned out to be a very Happy Easter. I just wanted you to know how rewarding it was to be a nurse at Boston Medical Center and to work with such a great  staff. – STEVE HURRELL RN, BS, CCRN, CARDIAC CATHETERIZATION LAB

Begitulah gambaran apabila sebuah organisasi mampu membuat Budaya Organisasi menjadi Budaya Setiap Anggota Organisasi tersebut.

Jadi, bagaimana dengan budaya kerja kita? Silahkan anda analisa bagaimana Budaya Kerja di Tempat Kerja Anda  dan bagaimana Budaya Kerja Diri Anda Sendiri.


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